18 February 2014

Are you involved in EU Projects? Then join the Project Actors Community in Europe

Are you involved in European Projects and interested to improve your project management performance?  The new EU Grundtvig project PACE (Project Actors Community in Europe), coordinated by 
die Berater®, takes up the issue of European Project Management. 

A high number of valuable tools, training materials, internet resources and other guidance publications have been developed and produced in various LLP projects   However, the take-up and use of these tools by the wider EU project community has not been as great as it could have been, for a number of reasons: they are often hard to locate, they are not regularly updated and the full potential for Social- and Multi Media in the dissemination and valorisation of these products is often not used.

PACE builds a Community of Practice of European project actors with the aim of supporting each other by
  • collecting,
  • sharing,
  • updating,
  • further improving
  • and disseminating

existing tools for transnational project management. Through an interactive communication and learning platform members of the community can share experiences and develop tools in the main topic areas of European project management.

In addition to the platform PACE will develop and implement new forms of self-organised events - PACE BarCamps -  for networking and sharing good project-management practice

The first Pace BarCamps will take please in Florence, Italy in November 2014!

EU project managers are invited to join PACE and participate in the development of a new and innovative European project management kit! Now that the project has just started, the platform is work in progress. Early birds are welcome to share their experiences and to discuss new trends in European project management linked to the new ERAMUS+ programme.

Find more information on www.projectactors.eu