11 November 2011

Creative Learning Communities: be innovative - be active!

Adult education needs innovative and creative training methods in order to integrate disadvantaged groups into the educational system and the labour market. With the Creative Learning Communities (CLC) project, a brand-new training concept for creativity techniques for trainers in adult education is being developed.

CLC is about creating innovative ideas and turning these ideas into reality! As a result, CLC draws heavily on the European Reference Framework Key Competence 7 (KC7) for Lifelong Learning. KC7 is the “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship” and refers to an individual’s ability to turn ideas into action. It encourages creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. This supports individuals, not only in their everyday lives at home and in society, but also in the workplace. With KC7 people also learn to seize opportunities and achieve their potential. Therefore, the competence “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship” constitutes a foundation for other skills.

The CLC projects builds on existing ideas and experiences of trainers in adult education and anticipates the creation of new creative learning communities. These CLCs are intended to provide new training materials and course materials as well as generate new access to innovative and creative materials.

The result of the CLC project will be materials for trainers in adult education, consisting of a script and tool box, applicable across the European community. To develop these materials, die Berater® is working closely with its four partner countries (Italy, Malta, United Kingdom and Poland).

The long-term goal of CLC is to disseminate new knowledge, to support innovations and creativity as well as to assure a high quality of training and development.

The Creative Learning Communities project is accessible on: www.skills4me.eu. Everybody can utilise a range of innovative training methods and can contribute to the development of new ideas and practices.