About this Blog

The EU Projects Blog is published by the team of the EU department of die Berater®. We have been continuously working in international partnerships and sharing best practices, developing innovative educational products at a European level, integrating them into companies’ training services.

In the past years we have gained a vast experience in the cooperation of organisations in the education and training sector through participation in around 50 transnational projects as project coordinators, partners, evaluators and disseminators within the framework of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme. We are working closely with several hundreds of  partner organisations in 28 European countries. Moreover, we are actively involved in several European networks, amongst others REVEAL - Research and Evaluation Group for Validation, Evidencing and Assessing of Informal and Non-formal Learning, Infonet: European information service for adult education, Eden European Distance Education Network and ENTER: European dissemination network. 
We have created this blog for two main reasons: on the one hand we want to offer readers a view behind the scenes, provide information about adult education – particularly relating to the projects in which we are engaged - and reflect on our work. On the other hand we consider this blog as an experimental platform for discussion and collaborative development of ideas regarding the specific topics we are working on and interested in. 

For the sake of clarity we have decided to relate our posts to the following categories reflecting the thematic areas we are specialised in: Health & education, Evaluation & validation, EU project management, Networking & network management, Disadvantaged learners.

We are looking forward to receiving your
Homepage: www.bridgestoeurope.com 
E-Mail: eu-blog@dieberater.com