Blogger Team

Holger Bienzle has gained experience with European projects from different perspectives: as Austrian Grundtvig programme manager and advisor of project promoters, as external expert and evaluator for the European Commission and as manager of many European projects in research and education. He heads die Berater’s EU department (since 2003). Bienzle has been co-author on several publications and articles on European project management, networking and network management in education, and e-learning, most notably: A Survival Kit for European Project Management; The Art of Networking. European networks in education; Resource Pack for Networkers and eHospital: Experiences with E-Learning Activities for Patients.

Judith Galla is an expert in project management and evaluation. She has a master degree from the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences and professional experiences in research, marketing and international project management. She has acquired more than five years of evaluation experience of public programmes at national and regional level and has evaluated and consulted several European projects and networks in the Lifelong Learning Programme. She is also experienced in designing online and face-to-face learning events.

Bozica Ilijic has been working on different projects for many years ranging from international project management of private and public partnerships to various EU projects, especially in the field of intergovernmental programmes for EU enlargement and implementation of “acquis communautaire” (EU legal acts). She holds a master degree in translating and interpreting from the University of Vienna and a professional MBA in Project and Process Management from the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Ilijic is also a certified project manager according to the IPMA and Prince 2 and an experienced business trainer for project management, soft skills, intercultural competences and languages. Ilijic is Co-ordinator of the EU project Creative Learning Communities (CLC) and project partner of Climate Friendly Management in European Schools (CLIMES). For the EU project Virtual Stages Against Violence, Illijic and her project partners created a free online game to make children and youth aware of the world wide web's dangers.

Maren Satke has a master degree in sociology and business administration. She has broad experience in managing educational projects with different target groups. She worked in university management as well as in the management of adult education programmes and gained more than five years experience in the coordination of an international students project. During the last years she has focused on consulting in the fields of project evaluation and health promotion in social organisations, companies and on regional level. Currently, she coordinates the Grundtvig project HATTRICK (Football-Learning-Integration).

Paul Talbot holds a BA in Law and Criminology, and is completing an MSc. in Public Policy and Management. He has experience in training and course-development (language and soft-skills), in managing community volunteer projects, and has been involved in the management and provision of English courses for prison inmates. In combining these backgrounds, Talbot is committed, amongst other things, to the challenge of promoting access to education for marginalised demographics, and to ensuring that the benefits of Prison Education and Training are maximized and exploited through multi-laterial EU projects.

Jennifer Ziegler has a degree in social economics and is specialized in international development. Ziegler has been working on projects concerning the improvement of education and health for socially disadvantaged children, youth and adults. After working with people living in poverty in rural areas, handicapped people and other marginalized groups for the last 9 years, Ziegler seeks to promote universal access to education as a human right and to eliminate discrimination and marginalization.

Katharina Resch has degrees in sociology, systemic coaching and interpreting studies from the University of Vienna and the European Systemic Business Academy. She has been working as a researcher and project manager in national and European projects in the health and social care sector for many years. She has worked for NGOs and health care centers, e.g. the Red Cross or an institute for people with eating disorders. Her main area of research is health promotion, tackling health inequalities, education and training with seniors, volunteering, coaching, burnout and eating disorders.