11 July 2012

Trainers as facilitators and coaches

The European Workplace Tutor - EWT

VET personnel plays a central role in assuring the quality of vocational training.

The shift towards lifelong learning and the re-definition of the role of in-company trainers from instructors to coaches / facilitators has meant that trainers find themselves challenged by new trends, needs and expectations.

Teaching, training and tutoring at the workplace

In order to ensure that training personnel can respond to these challenges and promote the quality of vocational training in Europe, it is essential that they are provided with in-depth and high-quality training.

The European Workplace Tutor is a training programme which aims at equipping trainers with the competences they need to plan, deliver and evaluate training, to guide learning processes at the workplace, to assess individual and organisational training requirements and respond to them. The EWT project aims at transferring the training contents of this training programme to new countries (Romania, Spain and Hungary) as well as to further embed it in existing structures by developing common standards and exploring certification and permeability between educational sub-systems.

For further information on the project, please visit