25 October 2012

Healthbox – successful work in adult education


Almost one year after the EU-Grundtvig project “Healthbox- Integration of Health Issues in Adult Education”  came to a successful end, the potential remains for the broader, continued usage of the material. Trainers from across various countries expressed their interest in using the Healthbox material in their work with people from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Promoting healthy lifestyles through education

In September, Doncaster College (UK) started to use the Healthbox with 3500 learners, and following positive feedback on the project outcomes, die Berater® went on to share information  about the educational input of the Healthbox through internal workshops for their trainers. In these workshops groups discussed the usage of the Healthbox in different training settings, providing additional practical dissemination channels.
The training materials can be downloaded here: www.bridgestoeurope.com

18 October 2012

State of the Art: Wikis in education

Wiki tools are used worldwide as a collaborative and participative working processes tool mostly to organise and develop information from an open group of users. Those collaborative groups, beyond the technical knowledge, need a set of rules governing users’ behaviours, so a respectful and civil interaction can take place.

WikiSkills aims to join the Information Technology learning dynamics with this social collaborative aspect that can be an important added value for society. Wikis are not only an Information Technology tool; WikiSkills aims to investigate their impact on society as it implies very important social behavior such as cooperation, respect, team working, content development and community management.

The WikiSkills project aims to analyse and apply benefits of using wikis for lifelong learning programmes, thus empowering civic behaviour, social inclusion, employability, cultural understanding and abilities to learn autonomously.

Within WikiSkills a European State of the Art Report was developed, which aims at describing the European situation regarding Wiki tools uses within the 4 LLP targets groups. To this end, a desktop research, and a selection of good practices, has been conducted in each partner’s country, in order to identify the status of those wiki tools in European educational environments. Moreover, the report includes an on-line national survey addressed to educational practitioners of each partner's country.
The present document sums up the results of the desktop research of wiki tools, existing projects, good practices and results of the national on-line survey. Finally, an analysis of success factors using wikis in educational contexts as a result of the previous parts of the report.

The full European State of the Art Report can be downloaded here: