11 June 2013

Languages Behind Bars in Iceland!

The European Prison Education Association (EPEA) held its bi-annual conference in Hverogaði, Iceland, in connection with a training course ‘Better Out! How to prepare inmates for taking place in the labour market?’ from the 5th-9th of June. 

Delegates enjoyed presentations from key note speakers from all corners of the European community, discussing the importance of rehabilitation and education in prison, and the challenges of supporting ex-prisoners in finding – and keeping – a job.   We provided formal and informal presentations on the Languages Behind Bars project through workshops and informal networking throughout the conference and the training programme.

Cost-benefit analysis of prison education
A cost-benefit analysis of prison education in Iceland revealed a very interesting statistic – for every Icelandic Crown invested in providing education in prison, the economy benefited by 17 Crowns.  That is, greater economic productivity, along with increased taxation revenue from ex-prisoners fully integrated into the labour market, in addition to the reduced economic costs of re-offending and recidivism, and the social benefits of reduced victimisation and enhanced social cohesion outweigh by far the economic costs of providing education in prison.

Every reason to invest
Studies conducted across Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland indicated another fascinating phenomenon in our understanding of prison education.  Helgi Gunnlaugsson, professor at the University of Iceland sought in his research to evaluate the common social perception that ‘prisons are too lenient’.  In fact, he found that given a series of ‘mock’ cases involving a range of serious offences, members of the public were more lenient in suggesting appropriate punishments than experienced judges and legal advisors. 

What this tells us is that there is absolutely no reason not to invest in education in prison.  It has a clear social and economic benefit, and true, informed public opinion tends to favour the rehabilitative agenda over the punitive one – despite what might be reported in the media.

die Berater® at the EPEA Conference
We were very proud to present our project Languages Behind Bars (www.lbb-project.eu) at the conference.  Language competences are a significant pre-requisite to successful labour market integration for ex-prisoners.  However, conducting a series of workshops at the conference, our LBB project coordinator, Paul Talbot went beyond looking at the role of education for prisoners, highlighting the role of enhanced training and education opportunities for prison staff.  The LBB project is working with both target groups, to enhance communication between foreign-national prison inmates and the staff who work with them.  Paul’s workshops engaged conference delegates in a detailed analysis of the problems that prison staff face in supporting ex-prisoners into the labour market, and helped delegates to identify a number of creative, innovative solutions to help them address the pressing training and educational needs of prison staff.  This led to an interesting project generation session, where delegates tried to match their ideas to current and previous European funding priorities.

We are now working on new ideas for projects to meet the Council of Europe recommendations in the new funding period, and will be excited to hear from others in the field of prison education who want to be part of this vision. 

10 June 2013

La VITA è bella!

VITA award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe

We are looking for innovative learning projects in all educational fields (from school to higher education, vocational training, adult learning, youth, volunteering and mobility projects etc.) that promote the development of these competences in an innovative way and include practical cases or at least ideas on how learning outcomes and competence developments within this specific competence area can be assessed and evidenced also beyond the walls of formal education.
The VITA prize is an award given to most innovative and promising European initiatives and projects that
  • work in an innovative and novel fashion;
  • focus on integrating SPOC in learning contexts;
  • reflect on/consider ways of measuring and documenting learner’s development in relation to these competences;
  • promote understanding and awareness for the evaluation / validation of informal and non-formal learning and highlight its value either for the individual (whose competences were validated) or
  • for the organisation (who validates competences).
Who can participate?
The competition is targeted towards individuals, companies, training funds, professional groups, NGOs, VET schools, schools, universities, youth organisations, public authorities, institutions of LLL, civic society organisations, social partners, professionals and researchers.
Participants must live in one of the following countries:
27 Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia or Turkey.
How to participate?
Ongoing or completed, existing or planned case studies, initatives or projects can enter the competition.
To participate please click here: http://mahara.vita-eu.org/view/view.php?id=141

When is the closing date?
The competition entries are to be presented by August 20th, 2013.

And the award goes to…
The contributions will be evaluated by an independent jury according to the following criteria:
  • Innovation: Original solutions to non-formal and informal learning problems and needs
  • Validation: The way learning outcomes are assessed and evidenced
  • Impact: Potential and actual effect on participants, learning context and the society in general
  • Sustainability: Continuation of this innovation
  • Transferability: Potential use of the innovation in other contexts
The jury will select two projects per category: adult education, schools, VET, higher education, Youth in Action.

Award ceremony in Dublin, Ireland
The ten winners will be invited to present their project at the VITA-conference which will be held on October 9th, 2013 in Dublin with an international audience.
The prize includes travel, accomodation and subsistence for a 2-day trip to Dublin. All winners will get the opportunity to present their cases during the final conference and will benefit from a European wide dissemination in a specific newsletter and on our VITA website.

What is VITA?
VITA is a European GRUNDTVIG project funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme and stands for Validation of Service related Learning Outcomes with an IT based Assessment and Evidencing System.

You find more information on the project on our VITA website: www.vita-eu.org

We are looking forward to your contributions and wish you the best of luck!

If you have any further questions please contact:
Bozica Ilijic
Tel: +43 1 532 45 45 – 1139
Email: b.ilijic@dieberater.com