30 September 2014

Active Ageing: A paradigm shift in todays society

Population is not only becoming older, but people are also staying active longer. With this change, the needs of senior citizens have changed as well. But what is it that they want or need? They want to participate in social life be part of the society and stay in charge of their own lives - just like every other citizen.

With this in mind, the European Project „Peer to Peer Support“ (PPS) conducted a survey asking senior citizens a bunch of questions concerning how further education for senior citizens could meet their need. This survey shows that 67 percent of the participating seniors are interested in training courses on active ageing. 39 percent of them are especially interested in the possibilities of earning money during retirement. 32 percent want to know more about mental health and another 32 percent are interested in using technology. The PPS training will be developed until the end of 2014 on the basis of these survey results with experts in public health and seniors themselves.

In Spring 2015 a training on “Active Ageing” will be held in Vienna for seniors between 55 and 75 years of age, just before retirement or after retirement, who want to discuss and learn more about topics of active ageing, such as participation in social life, health, mobility, and other topics. The training is being developed within the European project “Peer to Peer Support” (PPS) “.

Peer Learning as a cooperative learning model – The PPS project is based on peer learning, within knowledge and experience are passed on by trainers of the same age or in similar life situations as participants. The training is therefore conducted by older peers with support of the project team.

If you are interested in taking part in the training „Active Ageing“ or if you want to be informed about the development of the training, then contact us:

Dr. Katharina Resch
Tel: +43 1 5324545 - 1156

PPS has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors , and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained theirein.