08 October 2014

Conference on ICT Skills for girls!

On Ocotober 15th a conference on promoting entrepreneurship among secondary school girls through ICT will be held in Antwerpen, Belgium.   

Online participation possible!  

You can attend all talks, interact with presenters, send your comments and questions live, and engage with all participants through online tools.

If you are interested and want to participate, don't forget to register as soon as possible. Click on this form to register.  

What do you need to be able to connect to the online conference? A computer with speakers, internet access and a browser (Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are recommended).   

This conference is beeing organised within the EU Project ICT-Go-Girls!. The project offers advice on resources and methodologies for implementing lessons to link the beliefs of young girls regarding their professional future and the real work environment. It is based on role models and exercises that encourage young girls to work in the ICT-sector or to become entrepreneurs.   

The ICT-Go-Girls! activities provide teachers with a wide range of ideas for implementation that can be tailored to suit different classroom settings. It builds upon the skills of young girls while allowing more in-depth thought about professional options. It is based upon their psychological and physical needs including performance indicators within the classroom.

ICT-Go-Girls! does not only allow young girls to reflect on their professional future but also promotes deeper thought and the development of essential skills, attitudes and knowledge concerning decision-making processes with regard to professional choices.  

-This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.-