18 November 2014

Gender Diversity: Breaking the glass-ceiling and getting to the top of companies

Terms like gender equality, gender diversity or quota of women are often discussed, but what is done in order to achieve gender equality?

GenDiv (Collaborative Learning for Gender Diversity in Decision Making Positions) is the only European project of the 2013/2014 LLP funding period focussing on gender diversity. The project wants to promote competences for and the access to top management positions for women.   

Linked to that is the search for company and management cultures which 
  • offer alternative opportunities beyond the supposedly “proven” ways on climbing the career ladder,
  • create fair chances for both, women and men and
  • handle issues regarding the compatibility of work and family life with sensitivity.

With GenDiv we support a cooperative and mutual exchange and learning process between men and women as well as improving conditions, management cultures and measures for gender equality in companies. We do that by developing a specific qualification programme for female high-potentials and guidelines as well as recommendations for gender diversity in management committees.
The project started its activities with a survey on the status of women’s empowerment for decision-making positions. This was accompanied by personal interviews with men on policies and experiences with women’s empowerment for decision-making positions. Focus groups with women and men also discussed strategies for a reconciliation of work and family and measurements to further recognize and integrate men in gender equality actions in the management. The results of this research study will be published in a final summary report at the beginning of 2015.
Gender Diversity – Who does it affect? 
Discussions on gender diversity very often focus on the female perspective. To perceive positive change within gender inequality both, men and women have to be addressed on every level and in every sphere of society. Therefore, gender diversity concerns everybody. With this in mind the project consortium follows a gender integrative, participatory approach and brings together both genders during development and implementation.
With respect to quality assurance a selected group of management staff and high-potentials from leading national and international organisations meets regularly in each of the partner countries in order to exchange relevant questions of leading competencies and management responsibility, and give input and feedback to project results.
You are invited

  • to visit our project website www.gendiv.eu,  
  • to share your best practice experiences in terms of successful gender diversity measures of companies with us and
  •  to subscribe to the GenDiv newsletter.

Contact us: Franziska Steffen, E-Mail:  f.steffen@dieberater.com

GenDiv is a Eurpean project funded by the LLP Programm of the European Commission.