20 March 2012

RIVER Kick off meeting in Vienna

At the start of the project all partners from the five partner countries - Austria, Germany, Italy, Finland and Hungary - met in Vienna to set up a workplan and to discuss the project aims as well as the project planning process.

Recognition of Intergenerational Volunteering Experiences and Results

RIVER aims at
  • making the learning benefits of senior volunteering activities visible
  • developing and testing a planning and validation system for senior volunteering
  • providing and improving learning opportunities for the increasing number of senior citizens in Europe
  • motivating older people to engage in senior volunteering as a learning experience
  • promoting intergenerational learning by working with intergenerational senior volunteering projects

Senior volunteering plays a key role in our society, and demands exposure and recognition! Yet reliable and convincing methodologies for the assessment and validation of the impact and outcomes of senior volunteering are missing.

By developing a tailor-made competence assessment system the project RIVER aims at making learning outcomes of senior volunteering visible and thus add to senior volunteers’ motivation and sense of achievement.

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