09 July 2013

The future of learning: Self assessment of knowledge in adult education

On July 1st we held a conference in Vienna to raise awareness for the importance of assessing informal and non-formal acquired competences, which is also the goal of our European project VINTAGE (online tool for self eValuatIoN of key competences in adulT AGE).

Our keynote speaker, Wolfgang Kellner shared his experience and examples in developing competence portfolios and how skills can be self-evaluatied.

The second  speaker, Erwin Bratengeyer discussed the development of an e-Learning label on the basis of self-evaluation. Mr. Bratengeyer presented the valuable insights he won while developing an e-learning label for the Danube-University.

The final presentation of the seminar was held by our Jaap van Lakerveld, our project partner from PLATO (NL), who shared valuable information on the current use of EU key competences in practice.



Within the VINTAGE project we are developing a framework for the assessment of Key competences and an online tool for self assessment of key competences

VINTAGE is a European project funded through Grundtvig - Lifelong Learning Programme, which brings together partners from six European countries: Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Austria.



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