31 October 2011

Achieving a Healthy Education? Project Health Box shows you how!

Those who are most in need of health education - adults who are socio-economically disadvantaged, with a low level of education and those with a migration background - are the least likely to be reached by conventional offers:

So how can these adults be reached? Health issues have to be integrated into adult education in order to help them acquire a healthier lifestyle and stave off potential illnesses. Simply expecting adults to seek out health education seminars will not have the desired impact or success.

Project Health Box addresses this challenge. The project developed a Health Box, which contains ready-to-use training materials for health promotion. This Health Box can be easily integrated by adult educators in classes on subjects other than health in order to reach the target group. All Health Box materials aim to promote the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to prevent lifestyle-related illnesses and thus to promote and enhance healthy lifestyles.

At the closing conference on 24th November in Vienna, experiences and results will be presented and discussed with experts and practitioners in adult education and the health system. They will be discussed in the wider perspective of the relationship between educational background, social status and health, and in the light of Best Practice examples from other European countries.

If you want to register for the conference click here.

Further information: www.healthbox.eu

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