02 December 2011

Practicing the Hattrick FootbaLLL Workshops at the EU Conference

The football pitch is one social location where integration seems to be successful in many cases. Hattrick aims to use the potential which young migrant footballers display on the football pitch for re-entering education and vocational training. By expanding transversal competences acquired in football and needed in professional life, social integration is also improved.

Hattrick aims to expand and develop the following competences:
• self-management / self-motivation
• intercultural competences
• teamwork / teambuilding
• communication skills
• (l)earn respect / Fair Play

These skills are made visible and further developed within the Hattrick FootbaLLL Workshops, which consist of almost 40 games and exercises. At the EU Conference “Hattrick” in Salzburg, participants were able to test these FootbaLL Workshops.

“Mine Sweeper”, being one of the exercises participants were able to test, aims to improve communication and the willingness to support each other.

To start this exercise two players have to form a team, one of them is blindfolded and has to cross a minefield. The field is bordered by pylons (at least 20 x 20 m) and the mines are balls, pylons or the like and mustn’t be touched by the blindfolded person. The blindfolded person must be guided by his partner from the outside of the field by instructions.

With “Mine Sweeper” the participants learn they have responsibility for themselves and for others. The blind person feels the relevance of listening to the right voice and to communicate. The seeing person experiences responsibility and importance of communication

The “Penalty Knowledge Quiz”, where questions on intercultural aspects are combined with the penalty shoot-out, brought the conference to an end. The idea is to raise intercultural awareness while playing a penalty shoot out as well as creating respect and awarding knowledge.

To watch the speeches of the EU Conference please click here.

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