17 February 2012

eTwinning - the community for schools in Europe

eTwinning is the Community for schools in Europe, where teachers from all participating countries can register and use the eTwinning online tools to find each other, meet virtually, exchange ideas and practice examples. With eTwinning you can also team up in groups, learn together in Learning Events and engage in online-based projects.

Through eTwinning, over 85 000 teachers from across Europe work together in international school activities involving more than 50 000 schools in 32 European countries.

Professional Development Workshops

eTwinning also organizes Professional Development Workshops which are aimed at individuals who want to learn more about eTwinning and develop their skills in European collaboration using Information and Communication Technologies.

These workshops bring together participants from different European countries to network and share experiences. Networking and partner finding workshops are held for teachers in different European countries Throughout the school year.

The next workshop “Hospital school teachers” will be held on April 19-21 2012 in Gothenburg, Sweden. This workshop will focus on teaching children in hospitals or other out of school situations.

If you would like to take part in the workshop, please contact your National Support Service.

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