25 May 2012

Growing up online? - New technologies and young people

New technologies are central to modern life and sensitive topics are often discussed on the internet rather than face to face. However, this could be potentially damaging, especially for young people. The European project Virtual Stages Against Violence (VSAV) discovers possible risks concerning the use of new technologies  and offers teaching and learning pathways for a sensible use of the internet and new technologies. The project has started in March 2011 and the project team has already developed innovative products for teachers, students, schools, youth organisations and so on.

It is interesting to see how young people use the internet without consideration. The project VSAV offers methods to show them playfully how to avoid possible dangers and recognise the great opportunities of the internet. However, the interaction with other people in virtual life seems to be more and more overwhelming. This phenomenon has been highlighted in the last months in the project Virtual Stages Against Violence. For instance, a free online game “The Big Brain” as well as the theatre play “Channel Troy” have been developed particularly for teachers, students, parents and youth institutions. The whole theatre play can be viewed here:


Similar theatre plays have been developed in Italy, Romania and Germany and will be translated into English. A DVD of "Channel Troy” (also with English subtitles) can be obtained for free at die Berater® (b.ilijic@dieberater.com).

With the Online-game “The Big Brain” and the theatre plays young people may learn how important it is not to reveal personal data or passwords when using new technologies. These innovative materials also show young people how false identities on the internet can be damaging. Besides the risks of new technologies the project VSAV especially addresses the positive potential that new media and other technologies entail.

In the following months a toolkit will be written in order to cover all the main findings of the VSAV project. The toolkit will contain various training materials regarding a sensible use of the internet. It will enable teachers at schools to train students on internet safety in order to avoid a variety of incidents by an inappropriate use of websites or social networking sites.  The toolkit will offer a review of the risks that young people face when using the internet and video games. In using new technologies it is important to adopt safe and responsible practices, which will be a part of the toolkit. The training of teaching staff in the VSAV project will be essential and two pedagogues from each country: Austria, Romania, Italy and Germany will come together in Palermo, Italy and will be trained in September 2012. With this training the pedagogues will be able to train young people and students in schools or in youth institutions on the use of new technologies.


  1. Early time technology perform wonderful action or growth and give effectively result to us.Every one depend on them and perform more software from it.

    1. Technology development such as the telephone or the Internet and the printing press have increased the ways to interact with people and therefore made communication easier and faster. And it is true that from these developments new technologies will evolve. It is just important to address the positive as well as the negative factors of such developments.
