10 May 2012

"YES" to New Skills for New Jobs!

There is a clear mismatch between skills available on the labour market and the demands of the economy. The European Union’s lead initiative New Skills for New Jobs is trying to bridge this gap by promoting upskilling of the work force, acute anticipation of changing skill needs, and through promoting close interaction between education and the economy.

The New Skills Network has now selected 22 Best Practice projects out of more than 300 originally proposed by EU programme authorities for their outstanding contribution to the New Skills for New Jobs strategy.

YES, coordinated by die Berater®, is one of them. YES provides SMEs with coaching and training support in employing “difficult” young people, i.e. young job seekers with a low level of qualification or from disadvantaged backgrounds. This support can help overcoming the absurd situation that there is - youth unemployment on the one hand, and unfilled job vacancies because of lack of suitable applicants on the other. A brochure can be downloaded here. For a hardcopy and CD please send an E-Mail to eu@dieberater.com

The YES support offer was presented and discussed with policy-makers and other stakeholders at the Final conference of The New Skills Network, Skills for the Future, in Copenhagen on 9-11 May 2012.

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