02 April 2013

Internal training seminar – using the “Health Box” in a training context

Healthy Lifestyle through education – following this motto an internal training seminar was organized at die Berater® in Wels. The aim of this training workshop was to present and to introduce the training material which has been developed in the EU-project “Health Box- Integration of Health Issues in Adult Education”. The material was created to reach socio-economical disadvantaged persons with health issues, to raise awareness, to provide information and to show them how their lifestyle is connected with their health.

The core element of the workshop were hands on activities – to try out a selection of the developed exercises, discussing them with the trainers, asking them about their experiences with health topics in their courses.

Explain the term “breakfast” without using the following “taboo-words”: eat, morning, coffee, get up, meal - Last Wednesday eight trainers of die Berater® Wels spent one afternoon getting to know a playful way to integrate health topics in adult educational settings. With this playful version of the popular game “Taboo”, they discussed positive and negative aspects on alcohol consumption and they tested their knowledge on drugs and their long term consequences on health.

8 trainers of die Berater® Wels participated in the Workshop, 6 of them are working with youth. What they report sounds startling: A high percentage of their course participants suffer from bad nutrition, overweight and show bad physical condition, which influences their general health condition and thus their employability. Therefore the topic “health” is an integral part of their training activities. The Health Box training encouraged them to continue their work on health issues, using new tools. All trainers are fully aware of the fact, that this is only a small piece of contribution they can provide. Especially the involvement of parents would be an important aspect to support young people in changing their habits. Maybe the idea for another project?
To download the Health Box training material go to http://healthbox.eu/index.php?id=2&L=1

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