24 March 2014

How to predict learning outcome? CRITON event held in Vienna, Austria

On Wednesday, March 19th 2014, die Berater® held a dissemination seminar called EU Cafe for the CRITON project as well as for two other European projects. With the EU Cafe, die Berater® aims to provide an informal insight into its current EU projects.

The project CRITON is a transnational cooperation project to enhance the learning process in distance education systems and e-learning, using assessment methods for predicting the progress of students and to improve evaluation methods leading to better learning outcomes and more personalized learning.

CRITON aims to provide innovative solutions to meet the learning needs of the three main target group:
1. Learners of all levels involved in e-learning or distance learning
2. Tutors and teachers in adult education using e-learning or distance learning
3. Institutions of adult education offering courses with e-learning or distance learning
offering a modern web based environment (a smart platform) to be applied in all educational levels that use e-learning.
Holger Bienzle during his welcoming speech

The opening speech was held by Holger Bienzle, head of bridges to europe at die Berater. Afterwards project coordinator Mr Erol Koc introduced the 28 participants to the CRITON project and invited them to take an active part in the upcoming piloting phase. The main aim of the event was to introduce the participants to the CRITON platform for assessing the possible success or failure of learners in their engagement in eLearning settings.

Discussion round with participants

The participants, mainly consisting of trainers in adult education, engaged in an open discussion about the use of predicting learning outcomes. Their main point of interest was the importance of monitoring and analyzing learnering progress as well as how teachers can even better prevent an underachievement of learning outcomes.

05 March 2014

A big PLUS for education: The new EU funding programme Erasmus+ has started!

  • Plus 40 % of funding for education, youth and sport!
  • Plus simplified implementation rules!!
  • Plus many more funding opprtunities for innovative projects!

The new EU funding programme Erasmus+ officially started with the New Year and published the first Call for Proposals with deadlines on 17 March 2014 (mobility projects) und 30 April 2014 (cooperation projects).

In total 14.7 billion Euro will be availaible in the coming seven years for exchanges of staff and learners, in-service-training courses abroad, development and piloting of innovative educational products, „knowledge alliances“ of education providers and enterprises, filling sectoral skills gaps and other aspects of lifelong learning.

bridges to europe, the international plattform for project management, can help you to use these new funding opportunities in the best possible way: by strategically focusing your project, finding suitable and reliable cooperation partners or writing the entire project proposal for you.

More info on Erasmus+ go to http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/index_de.htm

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