05 March 2014

A big PLUS for education: The new EU funding programme Erasmus+ has started!

  • Plus 40 % of funding for education, youth and sport!
  • Plus simplified implementation rules!!
  • Plus many more funding opprtunities for innovative projects!

The new EU funding programme Erasmus+ officially started with the New Year and published the first Call for Proposals with deadlines on 17 March 2014 (mobility projects) und 30 April 2014 (cooperation projects).

In total 14.7 billion Euro will be availaible in the coming seven years for exchanges of staff and learners, in-service-training courses abroad, development and piloting of innovative educational products, „knowledge alliances“ of education providers and enterprises, filling sectoral skills gaps and other aspects of lifelong learning.

bridges to europe, the international plattform for project management, can help you to use these new funding opportunities in the best possible way: by strategically focusing your project, finding suitable and reliable cooperation partners or writing the entire project proposal for you.

More info on Erasmus+ go to http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/index_de.htm

You want to know more about bridges to europe? Visit our website www.bridgestoeurope.com 

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